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Managing users

Last updated on Disponible en Français

Add a user

If you’re an administrator for your CoderPad account, you can invite and manage users. Just click on the Users in the settings menu at the top right of the screen to see the list of people who’ve already been invited to your account.

If you wish to edit an existing user’s permissions, click on the Edit ✏️ button. If you wish to add a new user, click on + Add user

Only people with the same email domain name as you can be added to your account. 

The users page is shown with the "users" menu item selected in the settings dropdown and the "Edit" button highlighted on the right of the screen on a user.

Once the Add user window is open, fill in the email address(es) you want to add. You can also import a CSV with your colleagues’ email addresses. You’ll then select the role for the new user (Admin or Member) and any team you want them associated with.

Add user screen: "Enter user email address" with email input field and an "import csv" link below that field. There is also a "role" drop down with "member" selected.  There is a "team" drop down option. There is an "Advanced customization" link below that.

The Member and Admin roles come preset with certain roles and permissions.

Admin: This role has full permissions, including access to all services. Admins can invite, edit, and remove users.
Member: This role has limited permissions, including access to the list of candidates, tests, and questions. However, members cannot edit account settings or invite users.

✅ An administrator can access everything on the account and manage other users. 

If you wish to fine-tune these permissions, simply click on the Customize permissions link below the Role dropdown menu. You’ll then be presented with a list of permissions, you can edit them as needed. Click the Invite button to finalize the permissions and send an email invite to the new user.

"Screenshot of an 'Add user' form interface showing options to assign roles and permissions. The selected role is 'Admin.' Permissions are categorized under 'Account management,' 'Screen,' 'Tests,' 'Candidates,' 'Questions,' and 'Interview,' with toggles and dropdown menus to specify access levels such as 'Edit,' 'Access all,' and 'Admin.' At the bottom are 'Back' and 'Invite' buttons for navigation."

Edit user permission details

You can edit your colleagues’ permissions by selecting the appropriate access type from the drop down menu in the Customize Permissions window.

To access this window from the main dashboard, click the settings gear icon in the top right of the screen ⚙️, select Users, and then click on the three vertical dots next to the user whose permissions you want to edit and select Edit user.

The image shows a user management interface for a software tool, likely related to team collaboration or code management. The interface includes several key sections:

1. **Top Navigation Bar**:
   - On the far right, there are icons for notifications (with 21 notifications), help, settings, and a user profile icon (with initials "KS").
   - "What's New" is displayed next to the notification icon.

2. **Teams Section** (Top Center):
   - This section lists different teams: "CoderPad - Demo Acct 1," "Team B," and "Team C."
   - Each team card shows the number of admins and members. For example, "CoderPad - Demo Acct 1" has 1 admin and 1 member.

3. **User List** (Bottom Section):
   - A table displays user details, including:
     - **Name**: The user's name, with icons showing their initials (e.g., "KS" for Ken S and "KD" for Kan Deplum).
     - **Email**: The email address associated with each user.
     - **Role**: The role of the user (e.g., Admin, Member).
     - **Team**: The team each user belongs to.
   - There is an "Edit user" option available when hovering over a user's row.

4. **Filter and Add User**:
   - A filter bar allows filtering by email, role, or team.
   - A yellow "Add user" button is on the right side for adding new users.

The overall design is clean and organized, with a focus on managing team members and their roles.

You’ll see the permission window, and you can either select one of the pre-defined permission sets from the Role drop down, or select Advanced customization for more detailed permission selections.

The image displays an "Edit user" interface where user details can be modified. Here’s a breakdown of what’s shown:

1. **Title**: "Edit user" is at the top of the dialog box.
2. **Email**: The user's email is shown as ``.

3. **Role**: There is a dropdown menu for selecting the user’s role. The current selection is "Member - Restricted."

4. **Advanced Customization**: Below the role dropdown, there is a link labeled "Advanced customization," likely for more detailed settings.

5. **Team**: There is another dropdown for selecting the user's team. The current selection is "Team C," with an option to remove this selection (indicated by the "X" next to "Team C").

6. **Save Button**: At the bottom right, there is a yellow "Save" button to confirm the changes made.

7. **Close Icon**: In the top-right corner, there is an "X" icon to close the dialog without saving changes.

The interface is clean and user-friendly, allowing for quick edits to a user’s role and team assignments.

The following levels are available for each feature:

FeaturePermission settings
TestsView: This user can see the list of tests
Edit: This user can create, edit and delete tests
CandidatesNo access: This user cannot access candidates information
Send tests: This user can invite candidates
See reports: This user can access candidate reports
Access all: This user can invite and manage candidates, and access their reports
QuestionsView: This user can see the list of questions
Edit: This user can add and edit custom questions
Account managementNo access: This user cannot edit account-related information
Billing only: This user will have access to the billing page and will receive invoices by email.
Admin: This user will have access to all features and services
Team admin: This user will have access to user management features for their assigned team only — e.g. add users, assign access roles, etc.

✅ Some permissions might be set to “Custom” for retro-compatibility reasons.

Delete a user

If you need to delete a user, just make sure that you are one of the administrators of your CoderPad account. Then, click the Users option in the settings dropdown menu in the top right of the screen.

The Users option is shown in the settings menu at the top right of the screen.


You will see your list of users. Just click on the three vertical dots on the right and then select Delete. You may notice that the bin on your row is greyed out. You cannot delete your own account. 

A user management interface showing a list of users with names, emails, roles, and teams. The focus is on a dropdown menu where an option to 'Delete' a user is highlighted with a red arrow.

Finally, just confirm your deletion. 

A user management interface showing a list of users with names, emails, roles, and teams. The focus is on a dropdown menu where an option to 'Delete' a user is highlighted with a red arrow

You can switch from one account to another at any time.

Team member video tutorial

For more information on adding team members to your account, check out this Adding a team member with CoderPad video tutorial: