Take the guesswork out of tech hiring
Hire better developers with engaging, easy to set up coding assessments that get completed.

Assessments that anyone can run.
Generate well-balanced tests across roles and technologies. Simply enter your criteria and voilà! Technical skills not required.
Extensive question
bank -
Insightful test
results -
Comparative scores
Cheat detection
We saw our completion rate increase to 95% vs. the technical assessment platform we previously used.

Tap into an extensive question bank or create your own
Accurately benchmark skills with our library of questions organized by role and seniority
4K+ validated questions
70+ technical skills
100+ gamified questions
Fast, flexible and fair technical assessments
Get the whole hiring team feeling confident about moving a candidate forward.
Cheat-resistant gamified coding exercises
Technical assessments don’t need to be boring. Let candidates showcase their skills by coding to win a game.

Learn candidates’ strengths and weaknesses
Get the insights you need to decide who advances to the next round.

Benchmark candidates’ skills
Discover how your candidates compare to others who’ve taken similar assessments.

Get alerted of suspicious activity
Curb cheating with code playback, plagiarism detection and copy/paste tracking.

Tests without adverse impact
Our tests have been independently reviewed for fairness and validity.

The candidate experience candidates want to experience
Screen tests are relevant and engaging. 96% of candidates who start a test finish it.

Familiar VS Code-based IDE Code in the environment used every day
Practice tutorials to prepare candidates Showcase their talent, not their stress
Second chance test retake requests On the off chance candidates have an off day
Language agnostic questions Screen for problem solving not syntax
Developers love the platform and game based tests. The pre-existing bank of questions allow me to create tests, in a simple way, without having to spend too much time on the process.
Recruitment Manager at Meritis
Radically reduce your time to hire with assessments that get completed in an IDE that every developer knows.