Focus Time
Focus Time is an industry-leading feature that gives candidates 5 minutes of quiet time to gather their thoughts and begin work on a solution. It gives them the space and comfort they need to do their best work – helping to offset unconscious bias and ensuring fair technical assessments.
Create an Inclusive Interview Experience
Don’t fail a candidate because they froze or couldn’t instantly articulate the best answer in the first 30 seconds. You’re hiring developers – not public speakers. By using Focus Time, you give each candidate the opportunity to get organized and think about the technical problem – without feeling like they’re being judged.
- 5 minutes of quiet time for candidates
- Candidate work is blurred and video/audio is paused
- Ability to review recorded Focus Time work after each interview
- More inclusive developer experience
Reduce Unconscious Bias
In a study conducted by scientists at NC State, candidates who did a traditional interview while being watched by an interviewer performed half as well as those who solved the problem alone with space to think. The largest negative impact was on women. By utilizing Focus Time, you can give each candidate the space they need – and help reduce unconscious bias in your interview process.
- Backed by technical interview research
- Reach diversity hiring goals
- Create a more fair process
Offer an Industry-Leading Coding Interview
CoderPad is the only technical interview platform that offers a feature like Focus Time. This industry-leading feature will differentiate your technical hiring process and help you reach your Diversity and Inclusion goals.
- First- and best-in-class feature
- Technical hiring differentiator
- Better candidate experience