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Lever integration guide

Last updated on Disponible en Français

ℹ️ This integration requires a Professional or Enterprise Lever plan and a CoderPad Enterprise plan. To configure the integration, you must be a Lever Super Admin and CoderPad organization Admin. If you’re on a CoderPad Personal plan, please consider upgrading to access this feature.

The Interview platform integrates with the Lever applicant tracking system to automatically create interview sessions for candidates.

Setting up the integration

In Lever

1. On the Lever integrations page, turn on the CoderPad integration (1), copy the API key (2), and then click Done (3).

Coderpad integration section in lever. There is a "1" next to the button at the top to enable the integration, a 2 next to the API key box at the bottom, and a 3 next to the "done" button at the very bottom.

In CoderPad

2. Paste the Lever API key into Step 1: Provide Lever credentials. Click Update to save.

Window that says "Step 1: Provide Lever credentials" and has a place to enter in an API key.

3. In Step 2: Select Lever Stages with Pad Creation, select the stages that should generate a pad link when the candidate moves into that stage. Click Update to move to the next step.

Window that says "Step 2: Select Lever Stages with Pad Creation" with a list of stages you can check and an "update" button at the bottom.

4. On the Step 3: Add Webhook URL to Lever section, copy the webhook URL to paste into Lever.

A screenshot that says "Step 3: Add Webhook URL to Lever" with space to enter the lever webhook url.

In Lever

5. Go to the Webhook configuration tab in Lever. You’ll need to do 2 things on this page: Under the Candidate Stage Change section, open a new section and paste in the webhook URL you copied from the last step (1). Then, copy the Signature token (2).

The Webhook configuration page is shown. The "candidate stage change" section is enabled, there is a "1" next to the url  at the top, all the triggers for candidates of the selected origins are checked below that, and the signature token below that has a "2" next to it.

In CoderPad

6. Go back to Coderpad and in Step 4: Set Lever Webhook Token & Pad Owner, add the webhook signature (1) and select the user who you would like to own the pads (2). Then click Update (3).

The Step 4: Set Lever Webhook Token & Pad Owner window is shown with a 1 next t the signature token url box, a 2 next to the selected pad owner, and a 3 next to the update button.

In Lever

7. Go back to Lever and under the webhook – click verify the connection.

The webhook configuration page is shown again with an arrow pointing to the "verify connection" button at the bottom.

Using the integration

Apply the "coderpad" tag to jobs or candidates in Lever to automatically create pads. When a tagged candidate reaches the first designated Lever stage, Interview creates a pad and updates the Lever candidate profile with the interview link:

Lever candidate page with coderpad live pad link highlighted on the right.

You then copy this link and send it to the candidate (and interviewer).

View results

When the Interview session ends, you may wish to view the results in Lever. The same Interview link we added to the candidate page also serves as a record of the interview. Click that link to play back the history of the interview session. You can also copy code from the interview into a candidate note or feedback.