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Greenhouse for Screen

Last updated on Disponible en Français

 ℹ️ As part of CoderPad’s rebranding effort, CodinGame Screen is now just Screen. We’re still working with our integration partners to update the searches, until then you’ll still see references to “CodinGame” when you search within the partner’s application.

Want to integrate Screen with your Greenhouse account? Here’s how: 

  1. Setup integration
  2. Add assessment
  3. Setup interview stage
  4. Send and review tests

ℹ️ You can find more information on the Greenhouse-side of the integration by checking out their full integration guide.

1. Set up your integration

1. To start, contact support and let us know you’re ready to receive your Greenhouse Integration Key for the integration.

Once you’ve received your Greenhouse Integration Key from us, click here to open a ticket with Greenhouse or, if logged in to your Greenhouse account, click the Get help widget at the bottom left of your screen.

Greenhouse dashboard with "get help" button showed in corner of the screen.

2. If you choose the Get help option, you will be prompted to add a search topic in the help window. Search for “CodinGame”, but keep in mind that you will need to scroll through to select No that answer was not helpful after the recommended articles:

screenshot of conversation: "you selected: "no" that answer was not helpful." then "sorry that answer didn't help" with an option to "contact support" via a button.

3. Select the email contact method to fill out the support form:

The contact form for greenhouse is displayed with the Description field filled out as "i'd like to enable a TESTING PARTNER integration. Please provide a sendsafely link so i can submit the api key."

Don’t send the Greenhouse Integration Key in this initial email to Greenhouse support. This key allows access to sensitive data and must thus be kept secret. If the key is shared in an email and your email is intercepted by a malicious third party or your email account is hacked, the hacker would be able to view and access your key. For this reason, we require Greenhouse Integration Keys to be securely shared using SendSafely, Greenhouse’s secure data transfer platform.

4. The Greenhouse Support Team will send an email confirming the ticket has been created and may require account verification before they can receive your Greenhouse Integration Key. The Greenhouse Support Team will respond with a SendSafely link for you to enter your Greenhouse Integration Key. 

5. A notification will be sent to the Greenhouse Support Team after you have entered your Greenhouse Integration Key and they will respond with an email to you to confirm that your Greenhouse Integration Key has been set up in your account and that your integration is enabled.

2. Add Screen tests to your Greenhouse account

Once the Greenhouse/Screen integration is enabled for your organization, you’ll be able to add a Screen assessment as an “Interview Stage”. 

To do this for an existing job:

1. Navigate to a job (All Jobs > Job Name) and click Job Setup in the Job navigation bar.

Greenhouse dashboard with the "job setup" tab highlighted.

2. From the Job Setup page, select Interview Plan from the left-hand panel. Scroll down the page and click + Add a Stage.

"+add a stage" button

In the Add a Stage dialog box, select CodinGame. When finished, click Add to add the stage to the job’s interview plan.

CodinGame as text next to a radio button. The "add" button is in the bottom right hand corner.
Interview plan screen with "application review" as the first step followed by "codingame" as the next step and then other subsequent steps.

3. Set up your Screen interview stage

1. Once the stage has been added to the job’s interview plan, click Edit Test. Use the drop-down menu that’s provided to choose assessments that you have previously set up in Screen. 

2. Select the appropriate assessment and assign at least one Greenhouse user to grade/review submitted assessments. When finished, click Save.

✅Keep in mind that all configuration of the assessment itself, including the candidate email template, will need to be done in Screen. 

4. Send and review tests

✅When you send a test from Greenhouse, the interview instructions are, in fact, sent by Screen.

1. When candidates are moved to the Screen interview stage, Greenhouse will display a “Send Test” link.

CodinGame stage section with "Send test" as the status.

The status of the assessment will be visible in Greenhouse:

CodinGame stage section with "Sent, 9 days ago" as the status.

2. Once a candidate has submitted their test, you’ll be provided with a link to view the submitted test in Screen.

CodinGame stage section with "Codingame score: 72, to be graded by Suzanne Lui, 6 days ago" as the status.

3. After you’ve clicked on Interview Kit in the candidate’s profile, you’ll be taken to a page where the URL is available to view the test results on Screen.  

A report for a candidate with a link to view the report, the score, comparative score, total points, test name, send time, start time, end time, and time taken fields displayed.
The candidate results report in the codingame dashboard.