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Insights will let you see all your account’s statistics from the time the account was created to the present. To access this page, click on the settings gear icon at the top right of the screen, and then select Insights from the drop-down menu:

 the "insights" option is highlighted in that drop-down menu.

You’ll be able to see the following statistics:

Usage reporting

The graph shows your pads and tests usage for the selected year.

You can export this information in a CSV file by clicking the export button in the top right corner of the chart area and selecting one of two options:

  • The Monthly usage summary lists monthly totals during the selected year.
  • The Detailed report of all pads and tests itemizes each pad and test from the selected year.
The image shows a usage reporting graph for pads and tests from January to June 2024. The graph tracks the following metrics:

- Pads Created (blue bars)
- Take-homes Started (yellow bars)
- Live Pads Started (green bars)
- Tests Sent (red bars)

The y-axis ranges from 0 to 450, indicating the count of each metric. The x-axis represents the months from January to June. Here’s a breakdown of the data:

- **January**: Approximately 250 Pads Created, 100 Tests Sent, a small number of Live Pads Started and Take-homes Started.
- **February**: About 400 Pads Created, 150 Tests Sent, with similar low counts for Live Pads and Take-homes.
- **March**: Around 300 Pads Created, 50 Tests Sent, minimal counts for Live Pads and Take-homes.
- **April**: About 400 Pads Created, 100 Tests Sent, small counts for Live Pads and Take-homes.
- **May**: Approximately 250 Pads Created, 100 Tests Sent, minimal counts for Live Pads and Take-homes.
- **June**: About 200 Pads Created, 50 Tests Sent, minimal counts for Live Pads and Take-homes.

There is a download option on the right, offering a "Monthly usage summary (CSV via email)" or a "Detailed report of all pads and tests (CSV via email)".

After you select the report type, the report will be generated and emailed to you.

“Power” users

Here you can see which users are creating the most pads or questions in a selected time period by clicking on the Pads started column or Questions created columns, respectively. You can also sort alphabetically by their email address.

The power users section ranking the users by their email addresses based on number of pads started. Other columns available are number of questions created and last sign in date. At the bottom you can select the number of rows displayed per page.

Usage by member

Here you can see the number of pads created in the last 30 days, the number of total pads created, and the last sign in date for any given user. You can sort by email alphabetically by clicking on the Email column, or numerically by Pads created in the last 30 days and Pads created lifetime by clicking on those respective columns.

Usage by member table with 5 rows of users and the email, pads created in the last 30 days, pads created lifetime, and last sign in date columns displayed.

You can export this information as a CSV file by clicking the Export CSV Report button in the top right corner of the table area.

Current pad state

Shows you the current statuses of all the pads in your account for a given time period. In addition to Pads started and Pads created, you’ll also see data for:

  • Pads not started
  • Live pads started
  • Live pads ended
  • Take-homes started
  • Submitted take-homes
Current pad state pie chart showing pads not started, live pads started, live pads ended, take homes started, and submitted take homes. You can also see the exact number of pads started and pads created on the left of the pit chart. There is a button to sort by pre-defined time periods.

Most used questions

See which questions are the most used in your organization. You can sort by Title, the number of Times used, the Creator, and when the question was Last used by clicking on the respective column. You can also view the question in the Question Bank by clicking on the View button at the end of the row.

Most used questions table with columns for the title, times used, creator, last used, and language. there is also a view button at the end of each row.

Questions by language & Questions used in started pad by language

Questions by language shows you a breakdown of all the languages per question created. Questions used in started pad by language shows you a breakdown of all languages of questions actually used in a started pad.

On the left is a pie chart of questions by language, with ruby the most and c++ the least. On the right is a questions used in started pad by language pie chart, with ruby the most and c++ the least.

Number of questions added to a started pad

Here you can see the breakdown between pads that have questions attached to them and pads without questions for a selected time period.

On the right is a pie chart broken down between started pads with question and started pads without question. On the left you can see the actual numbers for these two categories.

Pads started by language & Languages used in a pad

Pads started by language shows the initial language pads are created with. Languages used in a pad show all languages that are used in the pads.

On the left is pads started by language, with ruby the most used. On the right is all languages used in pads, with JavaScript the most used.