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Editing your profile

Last updated on Disponible en Français

You can edit profile information like your your details, login information, and signature by clicking on your initials > My settings in the top right of your dashboard.

An arrow pointing to the user's initials with a drop down giving the option to select either my settings or logout.

You’ll be taken to this screen:

User profile screen is shown on the left and the email signature window is on the right.

Here you can customize your profile as needed. Some things to keep in mind:

  • You can add a profile picture that will be visible on the left hand Screen menu in place of your initials.
  • Notification emails will be sent to the email address provided here. 
  • Your signature can be linked automatically to the email your candidates receive when you send them a test invitation.

To change your password, simple click on the Change password link below the email field:

Change password popup is shown.