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Last updated on Disponible en Français

ℹ️ As part of CoderPad’s rebranding effort, CodinGame Screen is now just Screen. We’re still working with our integration partners to update the searches, until then you’ll still see references to “CodinGame” when you search within the partner’s application.

Complete the following steps to integrate Screen assessments into your SmartRecruiters account:

  1. Initialize integration in SmartRecruiters
  2. Authorize access to Screen
  3. Add a Screen assessment in SmartRecruiters

1) Initialize integration in SmartRecruiters

1. In your SmartRecruiters dashboard, click Settings/Admin:

smartrecruiters dashboard with the "settings/admin" menu item highlighted in the top right of the screen.

2. Then Apps & Integration

The "apps & integration" link is highlighted on the settings/admin page.

3. Look for Screen in the suggestion list and click Connect:

The screen integration page in smartrecruiters is shown with the "connect" button on the right highlighted.

4. Follow the integration steps:

The screen integration page in smartrecruiters is shown with an arrow pointing to "allow and continue".

5. After clicking the Allow and Connect button, you will be redirected to Screen.

2) Authorize access to Screen

Click Continue configuration to authorize access to Screen.

Screen integration access page with a statement on allowing smartrecruiters persmission and an arrow pointing towards "Continue configuration".

Once you authorize the configuration, you will be brought back to SmartRecruiters. 

3) Add a Screen assessment in SmartRecruiters

The integration should now be active (indicated by a green dot).

✅ Should you need to, you can disconnect the integration at any time. 

Screen Integration page in smartrecuriters with text that says "codingame screen is connected" next to a green circle in the top right. in the bottom right an arrow points to the "disconnect" button.

 1. Go back to the Settings / Admin page. Click Hiring Process

The settings screen in smartrecuiters with the "hiring process" link highlighted.

 2. Set your Hiring Processes by clicking on + New Hiring Process. For each of them, you may add a Screen step through the + Skills Test option.

The custom hiring process screen with an arrow pointing towards "new hiring process" button.

  3. At your selected step, add a Skills Test.

Hiring process screen with the grid menu displayed and and arrow pointing toward the "skills test" item.

  4. Click Assessments.

Beneath the skills test grid item is a drop down with the "Assessments" menu item highlighted.

5. Select your Screen test corresponding to this Hiring Process, tick the box to enable it and hit the Save button: 

Codingame is entered into the search bar. below is a list of tests where columns contain vendors, assessment details, and an "active" check box. the checkbox area is highlighted.

Once your test is set and saved, you can decide to send it automatically once your candidate reaches this hiring step, or to send it manually by turning off the Auto-Triggered option. 

A Screen assessment row with a column labelled "auto-triggered" on the right.

As soon as your candidate reaches the corresponding step of your hiring process, the test will be sent to them.

A candidate status window where a status dropdown has the "In Review > skills test" item highlighted.

6. Once the candidate is done taking the test, you will receive a notification email from both Screen and SmartRecruiter letting you know that the candidate results report is ready. You can see their comparative score on their profile, and a paper clip icon that will redirect you to Screen so you can see the detailed report. 

A completed candidate test result displayed in smartrecruiters with an arrow pointing towards the paperclip.