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Customized domains and skills

Last updated on Disponible en Français

Customize your domains

You can now add your own custom domain (e.g. technologies, frameworks, and programming languages) when creating a custom question.

A list of questions with an arrow pointing to the "Domain" column.

When creating a question (of any type), in the Settings section, you’re asked to select a domain:

A settings section with the "domain" field highlighted.

When you click on the Domain field, a drop down list of Screen’s supported domains will appear. You can select a domain from the list — or decide to enter your own. To create a custom domain, simply enter the domain name. 

A domain drop down list with "Android" selected.
A domain dropdown list with "New domain" selected.

When you go to create a question, your new domain name will appear in the Domain drop-down list:

A domain dropdown list with a newly created domain displayed.

The domain name will also appear in the Custom questions list, which you can access by clicking on the Custom tab: 

Custom questions tab is highlighted in the top right of the screen. A list of questions with one question displaying the new domain in the "Domain" column.

Now when setting up your test, you’ll be able to select your new custom domain on step 3 of the test creation process:

Your custom domain will also have its own category in the candidate’s test report: 

A candidate results report showing the results of the testing in the new domain.

Customize your skills list

When you create your own question, you are probably going to test skills that are not preset by Screen. In order to allow you full customization, you can add your own skills. 

In order to do that, go to the Settings section for the question and just type your skill in the field and type your skill. Then save your question.

The image shows a "Settings" screen where you're configuring a test. Here's a breakdown of the settings visible:

- **Domain**: "New Domain" is selected.
- **Points**: 40 points are allocated for this test.
- **Skill**: The input box has the letter "A" typed, and the dropdown shows a few suggestions:
  - Code understanding
  - Language knowledge
  - Reliability

  A red arrow is pointing towards the dropdown list, highlighting these options.
- **Difficulty**: "Easy" is selected.
- **Duration**: The duration is set to 5 minutes (00:05:00).

This setup seems to be part of a process to create or edit a test with specific parameters.

When you create another new question, your new skill with then appear in the skills list.