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Team management

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In CoderPad, teams allow you to share resources across a group, such as tests, interview pads, and custom questions. To learn more about setting up teams and adding new users, click on one of the items in the table of contents below.

Setting your default team

✅ This feature is currently only available for Enterprise plans.

When you create your first pad, you’ll be prompted to choose your default team. Every time you create a test, custom question, or pad, it will be available to be viewed by the rest of your team.

The image shows a dialog box titled "Choose your default team" from what appears to be a team-based collaboration software (likely CoderPad based on the text). The message states that if you're a member of multiple teams, you should select a default team for pad creation (including ATS). It also notes that this setting can be changed at any time in "My settings."

There is a dropdown menu with "CoderPad Inc." selected, and the user is prompted to create a pad with the button labeled "Create Pad."

You can change your team at anytime by going to your settings and changing the team in the Default team for pad creation drop-down box.

The image displays a settings page within the CoderPad Interview platform. The highlighted section shows the "Default team for pad creation," which is currently set to "CoderPad Inc." There is also a drop-down menu allowing the user to change this setting. Additionally, the arrow points to the top-right corner, where a user icon (with the initial "K") opens a menu containing options like "My Settings" and "Logout." This section allows users to manage their personal settings, including their default language, API key, and other configurations related to pad creation and interview summaries. 

The user has the option to save settings using the "Save Settings" button.

ℹ️ Want to assign interview pads to a specific team? Check out the documentation for that here.

Adding team members

The Interview platform allows you to add colleagues to your team in two ways.

Approved Domains

Interview allows you to streamline having colleagues join your team with Approved Domains.

Approved Domains is a team setting that allows new verified users with the same email domains to automatically join your team without needing to click through an emailed team member invite.

Here is an example of what a new user with a verified “” email address would see when the Acme Company has Approved Domains enabled.

The initial team invitation page with the text "we found some teams for you to join" at the top. Below is a list of admins, the plan type, number of users, and number of pads created.

Enabling Approved Domains

When first creating your team, you will be asked if you want to enable Approved Domains.

The second invite team members page where you can add teammates as long as they have a valid domain email.

Simply keep the switch toggled to the right (it should be blue) and click Continue to enable the setting.

Alternatively if you are an existing team admin and you did not enable Approved Domains during the initial set up, you may receive the following screen while using the Interview dashboard:

 "unblock colleagues from running interviews" window with an "enable settings" button displayed.

Here you can simply click Enable Setting to enable Approved Domains for the listed email domains.

You can also manage the Approved Domains configurations from the Team Settings page at any time:

The privacy and security settings window with team permissions and approved domains options.

If admin users on your team have different email domains, you may explicitly control the Approved Domains for each email domain.

If a non-admin user with a different email domain than the ones listed in Approved Domains becomes an admin, that domain can be added to the list. However, that domain will not be enabled by default and must be turned on manually.

Team Member Invite By Email

✅ Both admin and member roles can invite new members; only current admins can add new admins. However it’s recommended that members trying to add new members first seek permission from an account admin to reduce the number of unnecessary users.

Interview allows you to invite your team members into your organization within the app. Once added, team members will be able to do things like conduct technical interviews, review and playback previous interviews, set up live interviews and take-homes, and more.

To invite your coworkers to your team, follow these steps:

1. Go to the Users page from your dashboard

Once logged into your account, visit the Users page by selecting the Users tab from the settings dropdown list. Once on this page, you’ll be able to see any previous members you have invited as well as the Invite Teammates button.

The settings menu dropdown is shown with the "users" option highlighted.

2. Click on the Invite Teammates button

Located in the top right hand corner of the Users page, click on the Invite Teammates button which will take you to the invite page.

The Invite Teammates Button at the top right of the members dashboard window.

3. Add your team members

Once on the invite page, input your teammates’ emails line by line within the text area and select their user role. Once you have added all of their email addresses, press on the Send Invites button. The team members that you have invited will receive an email invitation to your Interview organization with instructions to either join the organization (if they already have an account), or create a new account.

The Invite additional team members window with an area to input email addresses and select their access role.

Invited users will now be visible on the Users page with the Pending tag next to their role:

A list of users with the member role. Certain members have the word "pending" next to their role name.