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What compiler does my Screen test run on?
Last updated on • Disponible en Français
Language | Compiler | Memory Limit (MB) | Running time (in seconds) |
Angular | 15.0.0 | 768 | 20 |
Bash | GNU Bash 5.1.16 | 768 | 6 |
C | gcc 11.2.0 mode C17 With the following libraries ‑lm, ‑lpthread, ‑ldl, ‑lcrypt | 768 | 8 |
C++ | g++ 11.2.0 mode C++17 With the following libraries ‑lm, ‑lpthread, ‑ldl, ‑lcrypt | 768 | 8 |
C# | C# 12.0 (.NET Runtime 8.0.401) Compiled with ‑unsafe | 768 | 8 |
Clojure | 1.11.1 – Oracle JVM 1.8 | 768 | 4 |
Cobol | 768 | 2 | |
D | DMD 2.099.0 | 768 | 2 |
Dart | 2.16.2 | 768 | 10 |
F# | F# 8.0 .NET Runtime 8.0.401 | 768 | 8 |
Java | Oracle JDK 21.0.4 (2023-07-18 LTS) | 768 | 8 |
JavaScript | Node 20.9.0 | 768 | 6 |
Go | 1.18.1 | 768 | 2 |
Groovy | 3.0.8 – Oracle JVM 1.8 | 768 | 2 |
Haskell | Haskell Platform 8.4.3 | 768 | 2 |
Kotlin | Kotlin 1.7.10 | 768 | 8 |
Node | Node 20.9.0 | 768 | 6 |
Lua | 5.4.4 | 768 | 6 |
Objective‑C | Clang 13.0.1 | 768 | 8 |
OCaml | 4.14.0 | 768 | 6 |
Pascal | Free Pascal Compiler 3.2.2 | 768 | 10 |
Perl | 5.34.0 Array::Utils, List::Util, Data::Dumper, List::Compare, List::MoreUtils, threads, Moose, DateTime, IPC::System::Simple, autodie, enum, Tree, String::Util, Set::Scalar | 768 | 6 |
PHP | 7.3.9 Compiled with ‑‑enable‑mbstring, ‑‑enable‑zip, ‑‑enable‑bcmath, ‑‑enable‑calendar, ‑‑enable‑wddx, ‑‑enable‑intl, ‑‑enable‑soap, ‑‑enable‑sockets | 768 | 4 |
Python3 | 3.11.5 Includes NumPy 1.20.2, pandas 1.2.4, SciPy 1.6.3 | 768 | 5 |
R | 3.6.3 (libs caret, stopwords, dplyr) | 768 | 15 |
React | 16.9.0 Includes react-redux 8.1.2, reduxjs/toolkit 1.9.7, styled-components 6.1.13 | 768 | 10 |
Ruby | 3.1.2 | 768 | 6 |
Rust | 1.60.0 Includes chrono 0.4.19, itertools 0.10.0, libc 0.2.93, rand 0.8.3, regex 1.4.5, time 0.2.26 | 768 | 8 |
Scala | 2.13.5 – Oracle JVM 1.8 | 768 | 30 |
Spark | 3.5.0 | 768 | 20 |
SQL | H2 version 1.4.200 | 768 | 6 |
Swift | 5.3.3 | 768 | 8 |
Symfony | 4+ | 768 | N/A |
TypeScript | 5.6.2 (ES2020) – Node 20.9.0 | 768 | 6 |
VB.NET | VB 16.9 .NET Runtime 8.0.401 | 768 | 8 |
Vue.JS | 3.2.41 Includes pinia 2.0 | 768 | 10 |