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Start Interviewing Faster with CoderPad Example Questions

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In conversations with 2,000 customers across the globe, including some of the world’s most well-known brands (looking at you, Netflix and Slack!), we’ve heard a universal challenge raised: building effective interview questions is hard. Developers have no time to research and create interview questions, and recruiters have limited knowledge and experience in coding interviews. Consequently, creating good, relevant questions that challenge candidates and get an accurate read on their skillset is pretty difficult. 

That’s why we’re so excited to launch a new feature that satisfies these challenges: Example Questions.

Introducing CoderPad Example Questions

“Where do I start? How can I build an effective interview from scratch?” The days of asking yourself these questions are over. 

Now you and your team can kick-start preparation for technical interviews with CoderPad’s Example Questions – featuring over 40 proven questions in 10 of the most commonly used programming languages.

Our Example Questions cover core concepts you need for effective interviews, ranging from object oriented design to string manipulation. They give you a solid starting point for interview planning, helping you save time creating questions from scratch and improving the effectiveness of your evaluations. You can also customize them to better match your company and roles.

CoderPad Question Bank Example Questions Tab

With Example Questions as your foundation, you can build out a tailored, effective interview process that is unique to your team’s needs.

Example Questions Features and Benefits

  • Access up to 40+ example questions in 10 languages (depending on your plan size)
  • Clone and edit the example questions to make them unique to your company
  • Recruiters can use questions “as-is” to schedule take home projects
  • Easily see what good/better/best answers look like — and effectively grade different approaches — with our solution walk-thrus

Building a new technical interview process from the ground up can be a daunting task, but Example Questions provide that solid leg up. Use them to augment your current set of interview questions by adding new questions and/or the option to interview in different languages. Armed with effective technical interview questions, you can quickly understand if someone is the right fit for your team. That way, you can get quality candidates into the hiring funnel faster and ultimately speed up the process.

 Want to learn more? Reach out to one of our experts.