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New Back-End Frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Node.js, Spring, Gin, & Django

Announcements , Product Updates

Developers work in frameworks—so why not interview in them?

Now you can with CoderPad’s newly-released back-end multi-file frameworks. 🎉  

These back-end frameworks come on the heels of our front-end frameworks release in 2022. Now, CoderPad customers have everything they need to conduct more realistic fullstack, front-end, and back-end interviews.

Screenshot of node.js in a coderpad interview IDE.

Go Beyond the Algo

Over the years, interviewers and candidates alike have asked us to keep making technical interviews more realistic:

  • Interviewers want to be able to ask “real work questions” instead of the proxy questions they end up asking because they feel limited by the tools they have.
  • Candidates prefer to answer “real work questions” rather than wasting time studying algorithms they don’t actually use. What developer wants to crack open a CS textbook or spend hours grinding through leetcode so they can prepare for interview questions about concepts they haven’t needed to think about in years?
  • Both interviewers and candidates want to use an environment that is just like the tools they use every day – with a VS code based editor and a multifile environment. We’ve provided it.

All of this needs to happen within the confines of a 45-60 minute live interview or a candidate’s take-home project. So we’ve made sure to achieve this realism while keeping CoderPad simple and easy to use.

Let Your Candidates’ Skills Shine

You can build realistic interview questions that truly reflect the types of projects you work on. Frameworks allows you to ask relevant questions that reflect your stack or codebase. We added the ability to install packages to enable you to recreate your team’s development environment. This realism makes it easy to narrow down on identifying the right skill set for the job. 

What these frameworks mean for you:

  • ​​The ability to interview in the most popular back-end frameworks, including:  Ruby on Rails, Node.js with Express.js, Spring for Java, Gin for Go and Django for Python.
  • More options to assess the skills you need on your team with customizable, multi-file environments. 
  • A candidate-friendly experience where you’ll find a familiar editor, install packages, instructions in a README, and more.

Frameworks at a Glance

With this launch, we have included all the tools you need to run your interview. 

Five back-end frameworks: Ruby on Rails, Node.js with Express.js, Spring for Java, Gin for Go, and Django for Python.

Screenshot of the list of backend frameworks available - django, go + gin, node.js, rails, and spring.

Each framework has multi-file support, navigable via file tree:

A node.js file tree is displayed.

You can also easily install packages via the shell tab:

Ready to get started?

Next time you log into CoderPad, you’ll have access to backend frameworks templates in a customizable environment. Check out a sandbox to play around with a multi-file framework.  

Just like our recent front-end frameworks release, our new back-end frameworks allow you to create and save your own custom apps as questions. We also provide some example backend questions for inspiration.

For a more in-depth look, explore the Getting Started Guide for Engineers or the Getting Started Guide for TA for step-by-step instructions on using new multi-file frameworks in your technical interviews.