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Code Challenge: Vue Reusable Input Component

Coding Challenges

Vue is a popular JavaScript library for building frontend applications and user interfaces. It builds on HTML, CSS and JavaScript and employs a declarative model for building components. You can try out Vue on the Vue CoderPad sandbox to have a feel of the library.

For this tiny interview, you have two tasks to perform on this Vue application:

  • Implement a two-way binding so the BaseInput.vue can be used for entering data by using the v-model directive.
  • Conditionally render the value that has been entered into the input when it is not empty.

Please see the instructions written directly in the pad to proceed:

💡 Remember to share your solution with the hashtag #CoderpadTinyInterviews on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Code Challenge solution

Verify your solution with the official solution in this sandbox.

More resources

We have made available an extra resource to improve your Vue coding skills:

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