Code Challenge: Hotel Booking Demand

Python is a popular language used by data scientists to carry out data science tasks such as the analysis and reporting of data including data visualizations. At CoderPad, we are excited to announce the integration of Jupyter notebooks to elevate data science interviews that replicate everyday work.
For this code challenge, you have been provided with the Hotel Booking Demand dataset which provides valuable insights into customer booking behavior, preferences and trends in the hospitality industry. This two part challenge aims to test your understanding of how you can interact with data and explore it to unveil important hidden information as well as craft visualizations that spotlight various aspects of the dataset.
Part one: Interacting with the dataset
Code challenge solution
Verify your solution with the official solution in this sandbox.
Part two: Crafting visualizations
Code challenge solution
Verify your solution with the official solution in this sandbox.
More resources
We have made available these extra resources to improve your Python coding skills:
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