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Interactive, Hands-On Code Challenges on LinkedIn Learning & CoderPad


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CoderPad is on a mission to create a more inclusive and strong tech community. Since our inception, we’ve focused on building a technical hiring platform that lets companies standardize their interview process and evaluate candidates based on their skills. With the advances in AI and tech, these skills are changing fast.

So today, we are excited to announce the launch of Code Challenges on Linkedin Learning, powered by CoderPad. Aspiring and seasoned developers can now take over 30 + coding courses in Python, Java, SQL, JavaScript, C#, and Go in an interactive environment that provides real-time feedback. With Code Challenges, learners can stand up generative AI models, cut their teeth on advanced JavaScript, solve real-world data problems, and more. 

Learning through doing is a proven strategy for skill building, and that’s what you get with LinkedIn Learning’s Code Challenges. Whether you’re just starting out or an experienced software developer, new Code Challenges courses allow you to upskill with several challenges per course, so anyone can not only learn but apply those skills right away.

With this launch developers can acquire new skills, sharpen existing ones, and earn course certificates that demonstrate their expertise. This work directly contributes to CoderPad’s mission to build a more inclusive and strong tech community – one where we let the skills say it all.

Amanda Richardson, CEO of CoderPad

Ready for a challenge? 

Try LinkedIn Learning Code Challenge courses, powered by CoderPad and free through Dec. 18, 2023:

Coding Labs 

  1. Python Practice: Object-Oriented Programming
  2. Python Practice: Operations
  3. Python Practice: Collections
  4. SQL Practice: Window Functions
  5. SQL Practice: Basic Queries
  6. SQL Practice: Intermediate Queries
  7. Java Practice: Functional Programming
  8. Java Practice: Collections
  9. Java Practice: Exception Handling
  10. JavaScript Practice: Object-Oriented Programming
  11. JavaScript Practice: Scope and Closures
  12. JavaScript Practice: String Manipulation
  13. JavaScript Practice: Events
  14. C# Practice: Attributes
  15. C# Practice: Interfaces and Abstract Classes
  16. C# Practice: Generic Collections
  17. Go Practice: Concurrency
  18. Go Practice: Functions

Advanced Courses

  1. Hands-On AI: Build a Generative Language Model from Scratch
  2. Hands-On Advanced Python: Data Exploration and Manipulation
  3. Advanced Python: Build Hands-On Projects with Design Patterns
  4. Solve Real-World Data Problems with SQL
  5. JavaScript: Five Advanced Challenges and Concepts
  6. Advanced Java: Hands-on with Streams, Lambda Expressions, Collections, Generics and More
  7. Advance Go Programming: Data Structures, Code Architecture, and Testing
  8. Treating Go as an Object-Oriented Language
  9. Advanced C#: Hands-on with LINQ, Dynamic Type, Extension Methods, and Tuples

Programming Language Essentials

  1. Learning Python
  2. SQL Essential Training
  3. JavaScript Essential Training
  4. Learning Java
  5. Learning C#
  6. Learning Go