Feature Text/Image Block

Display some text and an image side-by-side.




This is an optional short description to provide some additional context about what we’re seeing here.

And it can even be multiple paragraphs.



This is an optional short description to provide some additional context about what we’re seeing here.

And it can even be multiple paragraphs.


Left Aligned, One-Third Proportion Image

This is an optional short description to provide some additional context about what we’re seeing here.

And it can even be multiple paragraphs.


Right Aligned, One-Third Proportion Image

This is an optional short description to provide some additional context about what we’re seeing here.

And it can even be multiple paragraphs.


Left Aligned, Two-Third Proportion Image

This is an optional short description to provide some additional context about what we’re seeing here.

And it can even be multiple paragraphs.


Right Aligned, Two-Third Proportion Image

This is an optional short description to provide some additional context about what we’re seeing here.

And it can even be multiple paragraphs.


Against a gray background

This is an optional short description to provide some additional context about what we’re seeing here.

And it can even be multiple paragraphs.

Where is this block used?

This block is used on 1 URL

Post Type Post ID
Enterprise Page 16637

Source Files

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