Objective-C online IDE & code editor for technical interviews
Running Clang 6 with GNUstep and libobjc2 – IntelliSense is not available
Experience the Objective-C IDE yourself
See just how easy and intuitive CoderPad Interview is to use below.
Guidelines to use Objective-C in this online IDE
While we don’t run Objective-C on native OSX, we do run it in the latest clang
with objc
. This lets you include classes like NSString
and so forth largely as you normally would.
Your code is compiled with…
clang `gnustep-config --objc-flags` `gnustep-config --objc-libs` \
-fobjc-arc -fobjc-nonfragile-abi -lobjc -lgnustep-base -ldispatch
Code language: Objective-C (objectivec)
…which activates automatic reference counting and the nonfragile ABI.
You should define an int main()
To use the linked implementation of Apple’s Grand Central Dispatch, call the appropriate dispatch
#import <stdio.h>
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
static void timer_did_fire(void *context) {
printf("Strawberry fields...\n");
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
dispatch_source_t timer = dispatch_source_create(
DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, dispatch_get_main_queue());
dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f(timer, timer_did_fire);
dispatch_source_set_timer(timer, DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, 1 * NSEC_PER_SEC,
0.5 * NSEC_PER_SEC);
Code language: Objective-C (objectivec)