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Anti-Cheating Recruitment Tool Comparison Chart

Hiring Developers

Tooling makes a big difference.

From fully-equipped assessment solutions to proctoring software to plagiarism detectors, there’s no shortage of options. Equip your team with the right tools for the job. Compare features and costs to find what works best for your hiring needs.

FeaturesCoderPadSolution 2Solution 3
High-quality content and gamification
Engaging, relevant, and gamified tests to reduce cheating temptations.
Timer per question
Realistic timers aligned with job expectations to discourage external assistance.
Limited copy/paste
Possibility to restrict pasting text from external sources to the IDE.
Leak prevention
Safeguards and regular updates to prevent test content from being leaked online.
Candidate warning message
Message templates to inform candidates of rules and expectations.
Playback shown in tutorial
Transparency about code playback to discourage cheating.
Question randomization
Randomized test questions to minimize risks of pre-shared solutions.
Custom coding exercises
Ability to create unique, company-specific questions to reduce cheating likelihood.
Code playback
Recordings of coding activity to identify unusual behaviors.
Code similarity check
Automated detection of identical or similar code submissions.
IP tracking
Monitoring candidate locations for suspicious activity.
IDE exit tracking
Alerts for leaving the coding environment during the test.
AI follow-up questions
Automated queries to validate candidates’ understanding of their submissions.
Webcam proctoring
Periodic snapshots analyzed for unauthorized assistance or identity issues.
Leak detection
Regular monitoring and removal of compromised content.
Test performance tracking
Global tracking of question performance for anomalies.
Candidate flagging system
Internal notifications and score adjustments for identified cheating attempts.
Leak management
Content refresh, DMCA takedown orders, and proactive communication to manage breaches.
Anti-cheat resources
Specific content to support your anti-cheating strategy.