Code together before you work together
See how developers communicate, collaborate, and solve problems through live coding interviews and take home projects.

Technical interviews that mirror real work
Have interviews that simulate the challenges your teams face everyday. All in an IDE just like the one devs use every day–VS Code.
Collaborative IDE
with REPL & SLP -
environments -
Custom databases
npm package
Quick to setup, easy for candidates to get into the flow. Full feature dev environment that makes it a natural experience.

Let candidates showcase their skills in what they know best
Easily switch between languages or frameworks to adapt to candidates.
99+ languages & frameworks
40+ questions to get started
language agnostic questions
If it’s part of the job, make it part of the interview
Create interview experiences bound only by your team’s imagination
See how they code and think
Code with candidates in real time to get a feel for how they approach challenges and collaborate.

Work through apps (and algos)
Iterate through a fully functional app with a backend server, frontend components, custom databases, APIs, and more.

Handy things for hiring teams
Enjoy more efficient interviews with private notes, code playback, and a question library that interviewers love.

Evaluate system design skills
Discuss technical problems as you sketch them out on our digital whiteboard.

Rewind, review, and run their code
Rewatch key moments in the technical interview with your hiring team to make more objective hiring decisions.

Empower candidates by making it realistic
Give every candidate a fair shot with an environment to really show off their skills.

Realistic IDE based on VS Code Code in the editor devs use daily.
Practice sandbox So candidates can get comfortable.
Focus time Space to think about code before writing it.
Personalized settings Customize the IDE for how you code.
For BigCommerce, CoderPad was an instant fit. It’s reliable, accessible, and gives us real-time collaboration tools that save us time. With CoderPad, we found candidates can show their true skill sets without switching between unfamiliar platforms and hardware.
Vice President of Engineering at BigCommerce
A familiar IDE with the languages and frameworks to recreate any challenge or project.