PostgreSQL online IDE & code editor for technical interviews

Running PostgreSQL 12.4 – IntelliSense is not available

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Launch the environment

Guidelines to use PostgreSQL in this online IDE

PostgreSQL mode spins up a PostgreSQL server with a default database with some sample data in it. The schema of the default database looks like:

employees                             projects
+---------------+---------+           +---------------+---------+
| id            | int     |<----+  +->| id            | int     |
| first_name    | varchar |     |  |  | title         | varchar |
| last_name     | varchar |     |  |  | start_date    | date    |
| salary        | int     |     |  |  | end_date      | date    |
| department_id | int     |--+  |  |  | budget        | int     |
+---------------+---------+  |  |  |  +---------------+---------+
                             |  |  |
departments                  |  |  |  employees_projects
+---------------+---------+  |  |  |  +---------------+---------+
| id            | int     |<-+  |  +--| project_id    | int     |
| name          | varchar |     +-----| employee_id   | int     |
+---------------+---------+           +---------------+---------+
Code language: PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL (pgsql)

The database is reset when the “Reset” button is clicked, or the pad switches to another language.

Output format

Having trouble seeing query results because of line wrapping? Try the \x expanded output option:

SELECT * from employees \x


-[ RECORD 1 ]-+----------
id            | 1
first_name    | John
last_name     | Smith
salary        | 20000
department_id | 1
-[ RECORD 2 ]-+----------
id            | 2
first_name    | Ava
last_name     | Muffinson
salary        | 10000
department_id | 5
Code language: PostgreSQL SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL (pgsql)

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