F# online IDE & code editor for technical interviews

Running .NET Core 6.0 – IntelliSense is not available

Experience the F# IDE yourself

See just how easy and intuitive CoderPad Interview is to use below.

Launch the environment

Guidelines to use F# in this online IDE

Our F# environment runs on Microsoft’s cross-platform .NET Core runtime.

Your code is compiled and run with debug mode enabled.

You can run NUnit tests with the following code:

module Solution

open NUnitLite
open NUnit.Framework

open System
open System.Reflection

let test1() = Assert.Pass()

let test2() = Assert.Fail()

let main argv =
    printfn "Hello, World!"
    (new AutoRun(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly())).Execute( [| "--labels=All" |])Code language: F# (fsharp)

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